PATScan launch

patscan launch

Months of development work have gone into the latest product range from BRENMOOR.

PATscan-Ward and PATscan-Theatre have been designed to completely remove the need for hand writing labels and other patient ID products whilst on the ward and in theatre.

The stand alone kits work straight from out of the box and are used in conjunction with our range of wristbands and labels. They put an end to hand written sample tubes, samples and wristbands.

The scanner and printers have no need to communicate with a PAS system and can be used to scan a printed wristband from any manufacturer or supplier.

They are priced incredibly economically and we are convinced that they will quickly become a very trusted, invaluable and time saving piece of equipment.

Get in touch

For more information on the BRENMOOR range of products, to arrange a trial or to locate your local supplier call 0845 807 1090 or +44 (0) 1535 656 439 from overseas or contact us by email.

For samples of any of our Patient ID solutions please complete our sample request form.

Notes to editors:

  • BRENMOOR are UK based designers, manufacturers and suppliers of innovative patient identification solutions
  • They supply over 70% of UK hospitals with patient identification products including their patented printed hospital bracelets and a range of hospital labels
  • Recent product launches have included their MHRA compliant blood bag tag
  • They have partnerships with a number of medical supply companies in Europe, the Middle East and Africa to distribute BRENMOOR products to a wider audience
  • All BRENMOOR products are designed to ensure that the right patient receives the right care and prevent deaths and injuries from misidentification
  • All Patient ID products are available Direct from BRENMOOR, through NHS Supply Chain and from one of our Worldwide Distribution partners

A BRENMOOR printed hospital wristband is applied to a patient somewhere in the world every 4 seconds to ensure that they stay safe and remain positively identified!